Sunday, May 2, 2010

Confessions of a Social Media Junkie!

My sister is a great blogger...(  I love reading her post.  She has been blogging for some years  now and had made it seem so good but just didn't have much time for it.  So, always up for something new, I tried it...and failed.  I just didn't make the connection.  I noticed I blogged once in 2008 and once in 2009 and never "got" it. 

Well, something triggered in my brain about blogging lately.  I was in Washington DC at a Social Media Class for Home Care & Hospice 2 weeks ago.  They discussed the importance of blogging for marketing purposes.  Sharing thoughts or ideas.  Making the connection with your readers.  I came home on that Friday and left almost immediately to go to the beach with my sisters and Mother for the weekend.  When I got home on Monday, I had so many emotions and thoughts about my Mother's condition that I decided to put in on I opened up my old blog.  I had  forgotten the password, went through the process and got it up and running again.  And...a blog lover was born!!! 

I now crave it!  Sick huh?!?!?  I'm such a social media junkie.  Yes, I my space, twitter, linkedin, 3 email accounts and, well, in fb alone, I have 2 profiles and 3 pages that I administer!  Sick, I know!  Haven't done a You tube...but its on my list.   I've not had much free time this weekend with the Little Diva's here, but when I was able to squeeze in some time, I was reading blogs...or changing my background  (like 5 times!)...or looking at others backgrounds...  I LOVE BLOGGING!!!   I do everything is excess...unfortunately.

So, I've said all that for this...I'm leaving this afternoon for another conference for work.  Not sure I will have time for blogging...but no doubt, I will try and find an application for my crackberry!   

(This photo is from last years vacation at the beach...My husband, daughter and son's computer all open for business!   Hmmm.....maybe I'm not the only one with an addiction!)

~~~~later, Sue


Beth in NC said...

LOL ... that vacation picture is too funny.

I didn't know you were Beth's sister! Welcome back to blogging. I love it too.


Yes, blogging CAN be addictive!! When I first started, I was on it every moment I could be....I have always felt it was a way to express ones' self....can't say I'm great at it, but do love trying! And the bloggers you meet are awesome, too!!


Sue Ellen said...

Beth & Beth (LOL)...Yeah, if you had told me a few years back that a computer would be part of our vacation...I would have laughed big time!!! Yeah Sis...I'll just blame my addiction on you! LOL!...and you do have writing skills indeed!