Friday, July 16, 2010


I love a Friday...seriously.  The excitement of what is ahead for 2 whole days makes me exuberant!  I love making a plan of what I want to accomplish.

Tomorrow & Sunday....

I plan to tackle and organize my bathroom under-sink cabinets. 

I plan to move a desk that I painted last weekend upstairs. 

I plan to rearrange my sun-porch furniture.

I plan to mow the backyard with my new push mower if not raining.

I plan to clean out  & organize my hall closet.

I plan to clean & organize my upstairs landing.

Okay, looks like I'm setting my "LOFTY" goals again!

Lets see how many I get done!

TTYL...Sue Ellen. 


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Your list makes me tired... .Hope you have time to get through it... When I was working fulltime---I had Fridays and Saturdays off, and worked Sunday-Thursday... Anyhow, I worked by lists all of the time... When Thursday came around each week, I made myself FINISH everything on my list before I could leave work... Of course, my list for the most part was work related... But--by finishing my list, I could really relax and enjoy my days off.....

Have a great weekend --and take some time for YOU also.... Did you put that on your list????



SUE!! When will you rest???? I know how you are....yet that is what motivates you...just like mother!! Always staying busy!!!

I'm so different! Here it is, Saturday morning, with lots I should be doing, yet here I am on the computer....not wanting to do a thing!!

How fun, doing all those things on your list! And then enjoy the day!

Love ya!


Sue Ellen said...
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Sue Ellen said...

LOL Sis! Didn't say I would get them done....just love planning them! LOL!!! I did get the back yard push mowed with my new mower! Yea! It was a really good workout...which was 1/2 of my goal! Love ya! Enjoy deserve it! Luvs.....